The Downlow

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austin, texas, United States
aspiring writer, English and journalism student, hails from Texas. likes include writing, coffee, books, whisky and people.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

you're still breathing.

Sorry I was gone so long, my macbook had to have the keyboard replaced so it was at the apple store and while I did have access to computers, it just didn't feel right rushing to post something, and certainly not on a computer that wasn't my baby. I am writing this sitting by my ridiculously cluttered bookshelves and my huge window in my classyass sixth floor apartment in West Campus, looking across at an apartment complex I had a drunken revelation at late last semester while I wait for my bed to get delivered so my room will finally be finished. Yesterday I said goodbyes and left Plano and the past two days have been full of shopping and lugging things up six flights of stairs and the most ridiculous amount of unpacking, and it's so close to being finished, and all that I have been able to think since I got here is that I belong in this city more than anywhere else in the world.
So happy to be home,

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