The Downlow

My photo
austin, texas, United States
aspiring writer, English and journalism student, hails from Texas. likes include writing, coffee, books, whisky and people.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

I wanted you to know

The wait
Chest rising and falling
Your hair strewn out under a half-on hat,
Beard ruffled.
Me propped up on you,
Parks and Rec shining light off my MacBook,
Bouncing off your back,
Smoke wafting from incense
Filling the air next to Amy Poehler's voice.
In the morning we wake up, I make you pancakes,
Help you find your watch,
But for now you sleep
And I spend my time with Amy,
Leaning on you cradled,
Chest rising and falling.

That poem and that picture are mine. On another note, I feel alive.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

smoking weed under star projectors

"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; 
the point, however, is to change it."

Like Drake, I think I like who I'm becoming.
Much love,

Saturday, January 12, 2013


You show the lights that stop me,
turn to stone.
You shine it when I'm alone,
and so I tell myself that I'll be strong
and dreaming when they're gone,
cause they're calling me home

For all the good advice I've given, I have always been that girl.
Writing is elusive. Wish me luck.


p.s. I love Ellie

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It's not a side effect

I'm in love.

Current likes/activities
Pleather jackets
Spending rent money on beers
Lemon water
Bars, as opposed to clubs
Bus rides

I love you. Go read Hemingway.
